alleged to have suffered massive data leak

Music equipment marketplace is alleged to have suffered a massive data leak, of around 5.6 million records. Security consultant Volodymyr “Bob” Diachenko writes on LinkedIn that on the 5th April 2021 he discovered an insecure Elasticsearch server containing the data. Diachenko believes that the data relates to sellers who have sold items through […] alleged to have suffered massive data leak Read More »

Amazon staff suspect genuine Amazon PR statements were result of hackers

Amazon has become embroiled in controversy over its recent handling of news reports that its delivery employees are treated so poorly that they need to urinate in bottles to meet targets. Its official Twitter account set about dispelling the reports, but the manner in which it did so raised eyebrows. “These tweets are unnecessarily antagonistic

Amazon staff suspect genuine Amazon PR statements were result of hackers Read More »

Reddit bans users for mentioning UK politician Aimee Challenor

Reddit has found itself at the centre of controversy over users mentioning UK politician Aimee Challenor. The popular UK politics subreddit, r/ukpolitics, briefly set itself to private after a moderator was banned for posting an article referencing Challenor. The subreddit re-emerged this morning with a statement explaining what had happened. The statement said that the

Reddit bans users for mentioning UK politician Aimee Challenor Read More »

Apple fined for not including charger with iPhone 12

The Brazilian consumer protection regulator, based in São Paulo, has condemned Apple for not including a charger in the iPhone 12 box. Last October, the consumer regulator questioned the company on this issue and, in November, the agency reported that the iPhone maker “had not shown any environmental gain”. Procon-SP, the Brazilian consumer protection regulator

Apple fined for not including charger with iPhone 12 Read More »